Hi there! Thanks you so much for taking some time to stop by! ;)

Taking photographs has been my heart's joy since I was 12 years old. I still remember the day when I got my hands on my brother's neon orange 110 film camera, and pouting for hours when he took it back. (Pssht, big brothers.) Since then I have had the most amazing opportunities to move on up from that little piece of plastic. I have fallen so in love with photography because of my passion for that "moment", meeting new clients who become good friends, traveling the world, and bringing home the best souvenirs that I could imagine ;) Photography is how I communicate with the world, whether it be my own excitements, or helping you to show others YOUR excitements! When my camera is not involved, I'm also a big face-to-face-chat type of gal. Meet me at the local coffee shop and let's hang out and get to know each other! I'd much rather talk to you then write about myself on this page... this is why I like to take pictures... no words are necessary to tell the story! ;) Lewis Hine had it right when he said "If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera."

Mmmm hmm. That's me.

But I'll give you a little insight... a sneak peek if you will ;) I will tell you that I love to have fun, I love to see people smile and laugh...even gasp in something that delights them or sparks a memory. Meeting new people and connecting with them on any level is like Christmas morning for me (...which just happens to be my favorite holiday ;)) I am a striving vegan, thanks to Skinny Bitch. If you tell me that you like Mumford & Sons, I may jump on you. I have an intense scarf collection, which my husband refers to as an obsession. I live every day like it's my last, and love taking on challenges. Life would be so boring otherwise!!

I ALSO am impossible to take serious photos of... and this here snap of me, taken by the lovely Mariann Casolaro, was amongst many others where I just couldn't keep my mouth closed long enough for her to capture one! (I may not like to write about myself, but oh boy do I like to TALK!) So this is me in real life... my favorite kind of photo. This also is proof for all of my wonderful clients who get a little shaky in front of the camera that I understand, whole heartedly :) but... did you read up there where I said I love to take on challenges? ;)

With all of that being said.... I will share with you some words that were generously spoken by someone who is much better with words than I, and who I look forward to taking pictures of for a very long time!...

"Stacy Marie Yodice is a photographer at heart...
Spend some time with her and you will see; she will light up a room with nothing more than her exuberance for life in both it's grandness and minutiae but no matter the company or the circumstances, she has one constant thought ...
And she is right. Her inherent instinct for composition and emotion combine with her technical skills to enable her to capture the essence of any given moment. It is if she, more than the rest of us, can recognize and record the beauty that is often overlooked.
Anyone who has ever met Stacy is aware of her irrepressible sense of fun and creativity. These qualities, when found in a true professional, encourage an environment in which the subject is comfortable and confident, secure in both the process and the product to come. For this reason, Stacy has been selected for many varieties of clientele...there is no type that restricts her passion, as she openly encourages new guinea pigs to have fun with her and her camera.

Photography is an expression. Anyone can take a picture. It is the photographer's sense of style that creates the perfect mixture of subject, place, and feeling. The images created by Stacy Marie Yodice are products of her unique style, born of not only her eye and her hand but, above all, her heart."

Photo credit: Mariann Casolaro